Lily M. Rich, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist Specializing In In-Home Care
So many of the clients I work with have been suffering for years with grief, loneliness, and fear. Often times it is the adjustment to a recent transition that leads them to my care such as a move, the death of a loved one or a new medical diagnosis.
My gift is to combine a bright, loving and compassionate presence together with the confidence, experience, and skill that comes from my clinical training.
During my first year of college in 1999, I volunteered at a non-profit organization called Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Association and helped to grow their programs providing family-centered care. The programs addressed the emotional, practical and financial struggles for families of children and teens experiencing anticipatory grief and those who are bereaved.
Inspired by what I experienced and learned at Jacob’s Heart, I went on to receive my doctorate in clinical psychology from Argosy University in 2008 and now serve as the Director of Clinical Counseling Support Services at Jacob's Heart. Even though I am back at Jacob’s Heart where I started, the path to get back was not a direct one!
In 2009 I began my postdoctoral training at Mills Hospital in San Mateo and continued there as an employee until 2012. It was then, in 2012, as my vision for providing in-home care evolved, that I transitioned from the hospital where I worked with seniors, adults, and adolescents; to private practice in San Francisco. During those 6 years, I started providing home visits to my elder clients and developing my unique model of home-centered healing.
My passion comes from connecting with my clients and watching them move from loneliness and fear - to hope, connection and confidence through the work that we do.
In 2015 when I had the opportunity to move back to the Santa Cruz area I founded Healing at Home. HAH provides a setting where I can focus on my work with seniors in the comfort of their own home and encompasses the family and home centered care of Jacob’s Heart.
Because my passion continues to grow, three years ago I became an EAGALA Certified Equine therapists and I am working to incorporate this type of therapy in my practice. To learn more about Equine therapy you can visit www.horseshealhearts.info or http://www.eagala.org/
I believe my path is here in Santa Cruz where all my interests can merge into a beautiful whole.

Dr. Lily M. Rich, Licensed Psychologist
Founder of Healing at Home
Director of Counseling Services, Jabob's Heart
I want to hear your story. Contact me today and find out how I can help.
drlilyrich@gmail.com (831)325-8838